Register of Merit Canada (ROMC)
CSSA Fanciers Inc would like to give a special thanks to Robert Miller for his diligence in maintaining pedigree information about our Shetland Sheepdogs. Without his help the information used in determining ROMC qualifiers would not be available.
In order for a dog to qualify for ROMC status it must meet the following requirements: DOG: Upon application by the owner, a dog will be awarded the ROMC title if he is the sire of ten or more CKC Champions, at least 9 of which must be conformation champions and no more than one of which may be an OTCH, with no individual dog counting more than once toward the total. Supporting documentation may be required by the ROMC Chairperson in order to verify the titles listed prior to granting the award. BITCH: Upon application by the owner, a bitch will be awarded the ROMC title if she is the dam of five or more CKC Champions at least 4 of which must be conformation champions and no more than one of which may be an OTCH, with no individual dog counting more than once toward the total. Supporting documentation may be required by the ROMC Chairperson in order to verify the titles listed prior to granting the award. The dog must be verified as the sire/dam of the Canadian Champion offspring. N.B. A dog or bitch which receives an Altered CKC Championship does not qualify as get towards the ROMC status of its sire or dam. All applications must be made on the approved ROMC application form which is available from the CSSA website or from the ROMC chairperson, Cathie Kraemer. Dogs which have met these qualifications will automatically be assigned ROMC titles by the CSSA. This title may be added to the dog's name. PLEASE NOTE: This is not a title officially recognized by CKC; and should not be submitted as part of the dog’s name on CKC documents; such as; Show Entry Forms; or Litter Applications. Additional Information: CSSA Members who are owners or breeders of an eligible Shetland Sheepdog may apply for an ROMC Certificate once they provide proof of being the owner/breeder. One original Certificate will go to the member applicant and one Certificate to an additional member breeder/owner. Since the CSSA derives its information from official CKC records breeder/owners no longer have to apply for this recognition for their Shelties but must apply for the certificates. There is no cost attached for these original Certificates to CSSA Member. Additional certificates will be given at a cost of $5.00 each. Non-CSSA members can obtain certificates at a cost of $10.00 each. Please provide names and mailing addresses. Certificates are given out at the CSSA National following receipt of, and verification of, the application. As you will notice there are a number of missing pictures, sire and dam names, and/or breeder/owner names. If you can supply any of this information please contact me (Cathy) via email. Also, if you have any further Champion offspring, please provide proof through either a copy of the CKC Championship certificate or a copy of a letter from CKC attesting to this fact and contact the CSSA webmaster
The new achievement award will be the ROMC-P (Register of Merit Canada – Performance) 2. Eligibility for the award shall be as follows: a. Any bitch which has produced five eligible performance titled offspring (as delineated below) or any dog which has produced ten eligible performance titled offspring (as delineated below) shall upon request by the owner and verification of the titles, be awarded a ROMC-P certificate. b. All titles must be earned after January 1 2013. c. At least 20% of the offspring shall have achieved at least either a CKC CDX title, or a CKC Rally Excellent title. d. The remaining 80% of the titles awarded to the offspring may include any of the following: i. Obedience: CD, CDX, OTCH, OTCHX, MOTCH, GMOTCH ii. Rally: RN, RA, RE, RAE iii. Tracking: TD, TDX, UTD, UTDX iv. Herding: HS, HI, HA, v. Agility: AGN, AGI, AGX , AGM, AGMX, AGNJ, AGIJ, AGXJ, AGMXJ, AGMCH, AGMXJ 3. All titles must be CKC recognized titles. 4. No individual dog may be used to count more than once toward the title. 5. The onus is on the owner to both apply for the award and to provide photocopies of any necessary documentation to substantiate the application. 6. CSSA Members who are owners or breeders of an eligible Shetland Sheepdog may apply for an ROMC Certificate once they provide proof of being the owner/breeder. One original Certificate will go to the member applicant and one Certificate to an additional member breeder/owner. 7. Since the CSSA derives its information from official CKC records breeder/owners no longer have to apply for this recognition for their Shelties but must apply for the certificates. 8. There is no cost attached to these original Certificates when awarded to a CSSA Member. 9. Upon request, additional certificates will be given at a cost of $2.00 each. 10. Non-CSSA members can obtain certificates at a cost of $10.00 each. Please provide names and mailing addresses.
Register of Merit Canada - Performance
Canadian Shetland Sheepdog Association
CSSA Fanciers Inc.